L.D.I. 6 : Cibatta

Cibatta..because it resembles a well-worn slipper. It is the prolonged rising and high liquid content that produce this very light bread,with it’s uniquely open and porous texture..precious air bubbles trapped inside. Starter is used to make this bread so you need to started a day in advance. Ingredients : For starter 1/2 tsp – instant…

L.D.I.5 : Victorian Milk Bread

When I searched for “Victorian Milk Bread” recipe,the top result was showing me the same recipe that I followed. This recipe is by Eric Treuille and Ursula Ferrigno. No doubt this is the best recipe to follow. For me the main attraction was the shape of the loaf-‘S’ shaped. And as the name says,it is…

L.D.I. 4 : Daktyla

This sesame seed coated bread is traditionally made with yellow flour. A blend of white and whole-wheat flour mixed with finely ground cornmeal. In Greece,the bread is commonly known as Daktyla, meaning fingers,because it is broken into fingers of bread to eat. Ingredients : 2 tsp – dry yeast 1¼ cups – water 2½ cups…

L.D.I.3 : Baguette

I know, Baguettes are supposed to be long but I made these small baguettes because it is easy to make sandwiches out of them. Handling them becomes an easy task. The french say that it is always best to buy two baguettes because one is always half eaten by the time it arrives home. No…

L.D.I. 2 : Fan Tans

Ingredients..checked✔steps..followed✔ outcome was looking nearly as same as shown in book..”Ultimate Bread”. My concern was with the texture so I googled out the Fan tans bread. Hey! Do you know there is a gambling game called ‘fan tan’; it’s like roulette. OK!the bread, it was turned out as it should be..soft,buttery, pull apart bread. They…

Let’s ‘DOUGH’ it!

The smell of freshly baked bread transports me to the small bakery run by my friend’s father. We used to visit it ‘frequently’,out of curiosity and greediness😜(hey..don’ t judge me!I was little).I can still picturise the rooms filled with sweet and yeasty aroma, cupcakes stacked on the trays, breads in their moulds waiting to go…